Oct 23, 2009

Day 5 of CNC Machining--Last Day!! (2)

Me and others are listening to the demo..

Before and after turning process--unluckily we might not able to do this due to insufficient of time

Milling process to cut 1mm of the surface to make it even. The material used is Pearl Blue- a type of composite. Suppose we are going to bring back our own masterpiece at the end of this course! So excited..Hehe..

At first we are going to use my program to operate my workpiece. Anyhow I made a mistake which is misled by the technician himself when he is guiding us to write the program yesterday. Thus, my x and y axis is opposite of that in the machine. Not only me, but all of us made the same mistake and the technician say that he is just giving us an example, but we have to write out our program according to the machine. Thus, anyhow he had to change everything in the program and he didn't use mine. Whatever see my workpiece baby being cut not according to my way of cutting.


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