Nov 26, 2009

2012 - the end of the world - my review

2012 the movie; finally i went to the cinema to watch this movie. The legend of Mayan comes to reality and people are facing distinction if they just wait there and die. However, for me it doesn't need to run away. If the world is really coming to an end, I will just sit there and die. For the last few minutes, I will just talk and be together with my families and loved ones, share all the things that I want to say, whether it is a joy or critique. Some people however still struggling to survive, taking any steps that able to guarantee their safetiness maybe even they have to sacrifice others. Does they know that if the world is coming to an end, even the strongest ship is unable to sustain in such situation? Ya, this sounds not scientific at all cause human can calculate the impact they have to sustain so they can build a ship strong enough to against that impact. Anyhow, the effects in the show is quite real and huge impact, yet the main character able to go through all those which sounds really ridiculous practically.

P/S: This review has nothing to do with any religious, believes and prophets. It is just a personal review


Anonymous said...

There is another movie called <2012 Doomsday>, quite old lol. But it's lack with CG not like <2012> year 2009 lol.

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