Grandma stays with 2nd uncle, mom's 2nd brother in Miri. Since young, I do not have much interaction and communication with her. Plus, mom did not teach me to speakHakka, thus this separate we and grandma further away. Grandma do not speak fluent mandarin, thus eventhough she did come to stay with us for few days during some occasion or events such as graduations, marriage, etc., she looks boring with we as children maybe because we do not really understand her. Only mom keep chatting and entertain her. Dad is not fluent in Hakka also! Thus, I believe Hakka is really hard to learn, and even hard to understand. Tried before but not successful. Really, for me, Hakka should be learn since young. Thus, practising and practising will improve your language. Grandma already 80+ (not very sure). She still having black hair- believe me, she did not dye her hair even once. Hope grandma will stays healthy and happy for she's my only grandma.
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